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Earn Member Referral Credits🪙

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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
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DharmaJoy Member Tier Additional Benefits

We will send you a metal membership card within a month after reaching the DHARMA JOY membership tier.
(DHARMA JOY membership: Accumulated purchase over $900  made through our online or instore as our registered member within 12 months. Valid for 12 months.)

Inspirational Products and Chakra Workshops

10% discount with your "DharmaJoy" membership card.
Receive a 20 mins FREE on-the-same-day Seven Charka Consultation with purchase over $300.

**Appointment Required** Please email to highvibescohk@gmail.com

Rm 1311-12 Chaiwan Ind. City, Phase 2,
70 Wing Tai Road, Chaiwan, Hong Kong
(By Appointment Only)


High Vibes Club

Authentic Buddhist Prayer Beads Design

22% discount for shopping on Simply Natural Official Website
*For prayer beads only. (Simply Natural reserves the right of final decision)
(Hanli will send you the discount code within a month after reaching your "dharmajoy" membership status)

Event and Balloon Decoration

5% discount for balloon decoration with order over $1000 or above.

Christina Lau Yoga 瑜伽課程

90 minutes Universal Yoga Trail Session with Christina Lau.
(Special Rate: $200 - suitable for regular practitioner with at least 6 months yoga practice) (Original: $250)

Noesis Bamboo 竹纖維家居用品

10% discount with "Dharmajoy" membership card at Fo Tan Flagship store.

沙田火炭坳背灣街38-40號華偉中心13/F 7室

Noesis Bamboo

Hong Kong Nunchaku Association

10% Off for 4 Trail Sessions with your "Dharmajoy" mebmership card.


香港雙節棍總會 Hong Kong Nunchaku Association


10% Discount Instore/Online Shopping.
*Not suitable on incense and other consignment items*
*Cannot combine with other promotion*
*Reserves the right on final decision*



Oneness Ayurvedic Care

15% Discount for online purchase.
*Cannot combine with other promotion*

Spa Ceylon promotes environmentally-friendly products, supports human rights, and is against the use of child labour and animal testing. Through the use of sustainable grown and harvested herbs in our products, SPA CEYLON formulae are fully bio-degradable & uniquely favorable to the environment. Additionally, all our packaging is recyclable and we encourage our consumers to dispose them responsibly. Using 100% vegetarian ingredients in the processing and finished product, we use no animal extracts or fats or ingredients of animal origin. Additionally, our products have not been, and have never been, tested on animals.

Oneness Ayurvedic Care